Kids and Youth Ministries
We have a team of dedicated leaders who make sure kids and teens have safe and fun environments to grow in their faith with and make friends! We hope that we can come alongside your family to help you disciple your children!
We offer children's activities during our Sunday morning services including nursery care for infants and toddlers.
| Sunday |
Sunday School at 9:00am
Kids church: 10:00am | children stay in service and are dismissed to kids church after our music portion of the service.
| Wednesday |
Club Naz: 6:00pm | Bible studies, games, snacks, and more!
| Other activities |
We also have other events and activities for kids and families throughout the year such as:
Easter egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Children's summer camp, trunk or treat, Christmas party and program, and more.

Naz Youth is our ministry for 6-12th graders. We have weekly gatherings, and other events that are geared to help teenagers grow in their faith and make new friends!
| Sunday |
Destination X | 4:30p | Teens meet to go to various locations for fun and growth in their relationships with God and one another.
| Wednesday |
MidWeek Youth Group | 6:00pm | Games, Bible study,
| Other activities |
We also have other opportunities for teens throughout the year including:
Summer camp, retreats, mission trips, and more!